Public Member Functions

NSObject(YAJL) Class Reference

Generate JSON string from NSArray, NSDictionary or custom object or parse JSON from NSString or custom object. More...

#import <NSObject+YAJL.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(NSString *) - yajl_JSONString
 Create JSON string from object.
(NSString *) - yajl_JSONStringWithOptions:indentString:
 Create JSON string from object.
(id) - yajl_JSON
 Parse JSON (NSString or NSData or dataUsingEncoding:).
(id) - yajl_JSON:
 Parse JSON (NSString or NSData or dataUsingEncoding:) with out error.
(id) - yajl_JSONWithOptions:error:
 Parse JSON (NSString or NSData or dataUsingEncoding:) with options and out error.

Detailed Description

Generate JSON string from NSArray, NSDictionary or custom object or parse JSON from NSString or custom object.

Parse JSON:

 NSData *JSONData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"example.json"];
 NSArray *arrayFromData = [JSONData yajl_JSON];
 NSString *JSONString = @"[\"Test\"]";
 NSArray *arrayFromString = [JSONString yajl_JSON];
 // With options and out error
 NSError *error = nil;
 NSArray *arrayFromString = [JSONString yajl_JSONWithOptions:YAJLParserOptionsAllowComments error:&error];

Generate JSON:

 NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"value" forKey:@"key"];
 NSString *JSONString = [dict yajl_JSONString];
 // Beautified with custon indent string
 NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"value1", @"value2", nil];
 NSString *JSONString = [dict yajl_JSONStringWithOptions:YAJLGenOptionsBeautify indentString:@"    "];

Member Function Documentation

- (id) yajl_JSON  

Parse JSON (NSString or NSData or dataUsingEncoding:).

JSON object
YAJLParserException If a parse error occured
YAJLParsingUnsupportedException If not NSData or doesn't respond to dataUsingEncoding:
 NSString *JSONString = @"{'foo':['bar', true]}";
 id JSONValue = [JSONString yajl_JSON];
 NSData *JSONData = ...;
 id JSONValue = [JSONData yajl_JSON];
- (id) yajl_JSON: (NSError **)  error  

Parse JSON (NSString or NSData or dataUsingEncoding:) with out error.

If an error occurs, the returned object will be the current state of the object when the error occurred.

error Error to set if we failed to parse
JSON object
YAJLParserException If a parse error occured
YAJLParsingUnsupportedException If not NSData or doesn't respond to dataUsingEncoding:
 NSString *JSONString = @"{'foo':['bar', true]}";
 NSError *error = nil;
 [JSONString yajl_JSON:error];
 if (error) ...;
- (NSString *) yajl_JSONString  

Create JSON string from object.

Supported objects include: NSArray, NSDictionary, NSNumber, NSString, NSNull To override JSON value to encode (or support custom objects), implement (id)JSON; See YAJLCoding in YAJLGen.h

YAJLGenInvalidObjectException If object is invalid
JSON String
- (NSString *) yajl_JSONStringWithOptions: (YAJLGenOptions)  options
indentString: (NSString *)  indentString 

Create JSON string from object.

Supported objects include: NSArray, NSDictionary, NSNumber, NSString, NSNull To override JSON value to encode (or support custom objects), implement (id)JSON; See YAJLCoding in YAJLGen.h

YAJLGenInvalidObjectException If object is invalid
  • YAJLGenOptionsNone: No options
  • YAJLGenOptionsBeautify: Beautifiy JSON output
  • YAJLGenOptionsIgnoreUnknownTypes: Ignore unknown types (will use null value)
  • YAJLGenOptionsIncludeUnsupportedTypes: Handle non-JSON types (including NSDate, NSData, NSURL)
JSON String
- (id) yajl_JSONWithOptions: (YAJLParserOptions)  options
error: (NSError **)  error 

Parse JSON (NSString or NSData or dataUsingEncoding:) with options and out error.

If an error occurs, the returned object will be the current state of the object when the error occurred.

options Parse options

  • YAJLParserOptionsNone: No options
  • YAJLParserOptionsAllowComments: Javascript style comments will be allowed in the input (both / / and //)
  • YAJLParserOptionsCheckUTF8: Invalid UTF8 strings will cause a parse error
  • YAJLParserOptionsStrictPrecision: If YES will force strict precision and return integer overflow error
error Error to set if we failed to parse
JSON object
YAJLParserException If a parse error occured
YAJLParsingUnsupportedException If not NSData or doesn't respond to dataUsingEncoding:
 NSString *JSONString = @"{'foo':['bar', true]} // comment";
 NSError *error = nil;
 [JSONString yajl_JSONWithOptions:YAJLParserOptionsAllowComments error:error];
 if (error) ...;

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